First Adults

Adult Sunday Small Groups

At First Baptist Brunswick,  we want to make it easy for you to find people in your area and stage of life. We believe that getting involved is where real, life-enriching relationships can form and develop.

Sunday small groups are the place in which people connect and do life together, build friendships, learn God’s Word, and participate in missions.

9 AM – Small Groups

College 18-24–Room 203-Bible Study

Career 21-30– Room 207

Young Married 20–30-Room 208-Bible Study

Ladies 18 & up– Room 230- Bible Study

Adults 25-40s– Room 221/223-Bible Study

 Adults 60-70s–Room 200-Explore the Bible

Adults 50-60sRoom 204-Bible Study

Adults  30+Room 229- Right Now Media

Adults  50-60s– Room 202- Bible Studies for Life

Adults  Men 50+Room 232 Explore the Bible

Adults Good News Ladies 65-85s– Room 222/224- Bible Study

Adults 55-70s — Room 226/228 Bible Studies for Life

Love & Action Ladies 60+– Room 124- Bible Studies for Life

Berean Class 55+Twitty ChapelExplore the Bible

First Light -18 and up — Room 225/227


The women’s ministry joins with First Baptist in ministering to the whole family.  Women need encouragement, fellowship, prayer, and the knowledge that God has called them to the various stages they find themselves in and that HE will sustain them.  Women’s ministry walks alongside the women of the church and encourages them to put their roots down deep into Christ.


The Men’s Ministry seeks to make disciples of men, hoping this will cultivate a desire to lead their families and serve alongside those in the church as we reach out to the world around us. Along these lines, we provide opportunities to build community, grow, and serve with like-minded men. We offer Sunday small groups and weekday morning bible studies and other men’s events; whether you are a new believer or a seasoned follower of Christ.

Senior Adults Ministry


A great way to connect with senior adults!

Second Tuesday Every Month is Senior Adult Fellowship Club @  11:30 a.m.  Call the church office for more information.

A variety of activities are available at various times. To connect with other Senior Adults, we recommend joining a Sunday small Group and participating in a class for your stage in life. Sunday small groups offer opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, and prayer support.