Homemade Ministry
Since 2003 this ministry has served to bless and care for the elderly and homebound members of our church. These teams visit monthly and deliver homemade treats and other items to our church family that needs it the most. Interested in caring for our elderly and homebound? Join a team today by contacting our ministry leader.
Bereavement Ministry
During a time of greatest need , our Bereavement Teams have served to care for and bless our church families going through the loss of a loved one. These teams help to coordinate and plan a family meal to be served on the day of the Funeral/Memorial Service. In turn, this provides a time of refuge and fellowship for the family and can be a healthy part of the grieving process. Interested in caring for families during a time of loss? Join a bereavement team today by contacting our ministry leader.
Galatians 6:10
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Prayer Ministry
We believe we are called to be a praying church. Our Prayer Ministry consists of individuals who commit to praying for those on our prayer guide, writing them cards, and checking in regularly. Other prayer opportunities include coordinating prayer walks, church-wide prayer efforts, and dedicated prayer during worship services. Interested in becoming a part of the prayer ministry? Join the team today by contacting our prayer ministry leader.