When you take the step of faith to repent and believe, God saves you. He rescues you from the brokenness of sin so that you come into a perfect relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Your sins are forgiven. Christ Himself comes to live in you through His Holy Spirit.
But that wasn’t always the way it was, in the beginning God had a perfect design for this world (and for every person in it).
But we have gone from God’s perfect design into brokenness by rebelling against God. The Bible calls that sin. Sin is anything that takes you away from God’s perfect design.
It is the disobedient nature that we have to go our own way apart from God.
Sin separates us from God and leads to death. That is how we got into this mess of brokenness. All of us sense this brokenness and we want to escape from it. People have devised all kinds of methods to try to get out of this brokenness. Some try religion and being good, trying to work their way to heaven. Some pour their life into family, or other relationships hoping to get rid of this feeling of brokenness. Others go a more dangerous path of substance abuse trying to numb their feeling of brokenness.
The problem is that when we have pursued all these kinds of things, they still leave us feeling broken, sometimes they leave us even more broken than when we started out. All our efforts out of brokenness fall short.
But God had a plan to restore us to a right relationship with him, to restore us back to his perfect design. God’s plan is Jesus. See, Jesus is God and Jesus was also perfect. He came down to this earth to live as a man among us. Jesus taught us what God is really like and He gave many convincing proofs that He was the Son of God. But His main mission was to fix our brokenness, to restore us to God.
He did this by becoming our substitute and dying for our sins on the cross. The sinless Son of God paid the death penalty for our sin so that we could be reconciled to God. Three days after His death, Jesus rose from the dead, proving that He is the sinless Son of God. Because He is alive now, He can give eternal life and forgiven from sin to all who come to Him.
There are two things that Jesus asks us to do if we want to move from brokenness into God’s perfect design.
- Turn from our Sin
The first thing is to turn.
Turn from our brokenness, turn from our sin. The Bible calls that repentance. We are sorry for our sin and turn away from our old life and turn toward God.
- Believe that Jesus is Lord
The second thing He asks us to do is to believe. Believe that Jesus is Lord, the rightful King and Master. Believe that He died for my sin and rose from the dead to give me a new life. It means to trust Jesus to save you and to be Lord of your life.
When you take that step of faith to repent and believe, God saves you. He rescues you from the brokenness of sin so that you come into a perfect relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Your sins are forgiven. Christ Himself comes to live in you through His Holy Spirit.
Every single person is in one of two places. They are either in brokenness, or they are in Jesus Christ back on God’s perfect design.
Which place do you find yourself?
Is there anything that would keep you from repenting and believing the gospel right now? If not, one of our pastors would love the opportunity to talk with you.
For more information please contact Robin Hulsey at rhulsey@fbcbrunswick.com and one of our pastors will contact you ASAP.